This course is for
Our age oriented classrooms are open to anyone who wishes to learn Hebrew. In any event, if it turns out that a student is unsuited for a particular level, the teacher will immediately transfer him or her to the appropriate class (at no extra charge).
Class meets once a week over a 8-month period.
In addition, students can take advantage of our complimentary enrichment sessions, for an additional hour per week.
Course structure and goals
The Ulpan teaching method was initiated soon after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, using associative learning to teach Hebrew in Hebrew. eTeacher implements the Ulpan method to teach, using basic vocabulary revolving around Jewish holidays, traditions, modern day Israeli culture and current affairs.
The classes focus on speaking, reading and writing. Throughout the course students learn the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph Bet), vowels, and acquire a vocabulary of roughly 500 words in Hebrew, enabling them to conduct a basic conversation in Modern Hebrew.
In addition to the weekly virtual class, students have access to the following learning tools:
- Recorded Lessons – All the lessons are recorded and available on demand.
- Q&A and extra practice sessions – A weekly teacher moderated session for Q&A and discussion group.
- Forum – A 24/7 online forum to answer all your course-related questions.
- Technical Support – Available 24/7 to assist you.
At the end of the course the student will
- Have a basic vocabulary of 500 common Hebrew words.
- Know how to read and pronounce the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph Bet) and vowels.
- Know the basic paradigms of nouns and verbs.
- Know some basic Hebrew syntactical features.
- Acquire basic Modern Hebrew conversational skills
Academic Credit by the Hebrew University
The Hebrew University, in collaboration with eTeacher, is offering a credited online Hebrew course to overseas students. In accordance with the University’s academic requirements the full program includes obligatory attendance, paper submissions and examinations and will award students a total of 4 credit points (2 credit points per course).
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