The classes focus on reading the Hebrew Bible in its original language. During the course students learn the Hebrew alphabet and vowels, become familiar with the basic paradigms of Hebrew nouns and verbs and acquire 450 common Biblical Hebrew words. The grammatical topics are learned within the framework of famous biblical stories. The class meets once a week, and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.
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About our Biblical Hebrew courses
Accredited and non-accredited Biblical Hebrew courses in various levels. Starting with the Hebrew alphabet, basic grammar and new Biblical words and continuing all the way to historical and comparative aspects of Biblical Hebrew. Learn within the framework of fascinating Biblical stories.
Biblical Hebrew Courses
Biblical Hebrew – Level B
Improve your ability to read the Hebrew Bible.
The classes focus on reading the Hebrew Bible in its original language. The course builds a solid foundation for the fluent reading of prosaic texts. During the course students acquire a better grasp of the morphology of nouns and verbs, learn more syntactical structures and expand their vocabulary, significantly improving their ability to read the Hebrew Bible. The grammatical topics are learned within the framework of famous biblical stories. The class meets once a week, and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.
More Info Sign UpBiblical Hebrew – Level C
Become an independent reader of the Hebrew Bible using dictionaries and grammar tools.
The classes focus on reading biblical texts and working with dictionaries and grammar tools. Throughout the course students enhance their vocabulary and learn advanced grammatical topics. Classes teach how to understand and translate the Biblical Hebrew verbal tense system. The students read texts in prose, discuss these texts in class, and practice using Biblical Hebrew dictionaries and grammar tools. The class meets once a week, and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.
More Info Sign UpBiblical Hebrew – Level D
Ready for Biblical poetry, prophecy and wisdom literature?
This advanced level concentrates on the study of texts from various biblical genres. The students read poetry (Psalms and others), prophecy (Isaiah, Jeremiah and others) and wisdom literature (Proverbs and Ecclesiastes). Classes discuss techniques of biblical poetry, the unique syntax and vocabulary of these genres and the historical background of these texts. The class meets once a week and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.
More Info Sign UpBiblical Hebrew – Level E
Become familiar with the history of Biblical Hebrew.
This advanced level deals with the historical and comparative aspects of Biblical Hebrew. During the course the students read and compare texts from various biblical periods: early biblical poetry, classical Biblical Hebrew, and late Biblical Hebrew. They also read relevant extra-biblical literature such as epigraphic Hebrew and the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The class meets once a week, and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.
Biblical Aramaic Courses
Biblical Aramaic
Learn Biblical Aramaic
We are excited to announce the opening of a new and unique language course: Biblical Aramaic! Now you can learn this fascinating ancient language and understand the original languages of Biblical prophecies.
Why learn Aramaic?
- Read texts from the original Aramaic sections of the books of Daniel and Ezra
- Get the original meaning of Biblical prophecies
- Learn a language that will enrich your understanding of the biblical Hebrew
The classes focus on reading the texts written in Aramaic in the Old Testament. During the course students become familiar with the basic paradigms of Aramaic nouns and verbs and acquire 100 common Aramaic words. The grammatical topics are learned within the framework of the Aramaic sections of the book of Ezra and the Aramaic prophecies of Daniel. The class meets once a week and the students must complete homework assignments sent by the teacher after every meeting.
More Info Sign UpModern Hebrew Courses
Modern Hebrew – Level A
Ready to learn the alphabet and start speaking Hebrew?
The Ulpan teaching method was initiated soon after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, using associative learning to teach Hebrew in Hebrew. eTeacher implements the Ulpan method to teach, using basic vocabulary revolving around Jewish holidays, traditions, modern day Israeli culture and current affairs.
The classes focus on speaking, reading and writing. Throughout the course students learn the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph Bet), vowels, and acquire a vocabulary of roughly 500 words in Hebrew, enabling them to conduct a basic conversation in Modern Hebrew.
In addition to the weekly virtual class, students have access to the following learning tools:
- Recorded Lessons – All the lessons are recorded and available on demand.
- Q&A and extra practice sessions – A weekly teacher moderated session for Q&A and discussion group.
- Forum – A 24/7 online forum to answer all your course-related questions.
- Technical Support – Available 24/7 to assist you.
Modern Hebrew – Level B
Let’s ask for objects and express our feelings in Hebrew
The Ulpan teaching method was initiated soon after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, using associative learning to teach Hebrew in Hebrew. eTeacher implements the Ulpan method to teach, using basic vocabulary revolving around Jewish holidays, traditions, modern day Israeli culture and current affairs.
The classes focus on speaking, reading and writing.
At the end of the course the students will:
- know how to speak in Hebrew and ask for objects found in their surroundings.
- know how to express feelings and emotions in Hebrew.
- know how to construct sentences in Hebrew in their correct grammar.
- know how to read short texts, stories and essays in Hebrew.
- know how to write short texts in Hebrew.
In addition to the weekly virtual class, students have access to the following learning tools:
- Recorded Lessons – All the lessons are recorded and available on demand.
- Q&A and extra practice sessions – A weekly teacher moderated session for Q&A and discussion group.
- Forum – A 24/7 online forum to answer all your course-related questions.
- Technical Support –Available 24/7 to assist you.
Learn Yiddish – Level A
Learn to speak the international language of Jews
The beginners’ Yiddish course provides basic communication, comprehension and conversational skills as well as understanding grammatical rules, the ability to form sentences for basic needs such as traveling or conversing with Yiddish speakers. The course also provides a vocabulary of about 200 words including important verbs, such as modal verbs, numbers, family members, etc.
More Info Sign UpLearn Yiddish Level B
About our Biblical Hebrew courses
Accredited and non-accredited Biblical Hebrew courses in various levels. Starting with the Hebrew alphabet, basic grammar and new Biblical words and continuing all the way to historical and comparative aspects of Biblical Hebrew. Learn within the framework of fascinating Biblical stories.